Mindful Hack #67

As much as I like to believe that most people are fundamentally good, it can’t be denied that sometimes even “good” people do bad things. I also tend to believe that when people behave badly, it’s because they don’t love, respect or trust themselves in some way, and their behaviour projects that out into the world. Unfortunately, that means that innocent bystanders can get hurt.


When we feel hurt by something someone else does, says, doesn’t do or doesn’t say, it’s easy to start to question what it is that we’ve done to deserve it, what’s wrong with us.  But the truth is, very rarely does someone else’s behaviour have anything to do with us. If someone lies, deceives or betrays it’s a reflection of their character, not yours, and an opportunity to honour yourself in the way you deserve.


What I mean by honour yourself is – recognize your worth, your values, and create boundaries that feel loving to and for you, not the other person. When you love yourself enough to know what you are okay with and what you aren’t, the right people will gravitate toward you and the wrong ones will weed themselves out. I’m not saying there are “wrong people,” in general… but perhaps just wrong for you, and that’s okay.


Mindful Hack #68


Mindful Hack #66